by Bone Jawnson This week, local Hatfield, Pennsylvania historian and acclaimed Crick Foot expert, Lou Farrell, discovered a, what seems to be an authentic, Wiener Juice recipe. Long known to hunters to be an effective method of attacking the local cryptid, an exact recipe was unknown. On September 30, Lou released information regarding the found document, which includes all local ingredients. "I have transcribed a recipe for wiener juice that I found stuffed behind a wall when we were doing some remodeling. Seems like an authentic Hatfield Crick Foot lure from days long past, 2 Hatfield Original Franks ½ soft pretzel from the Trolly Stop 1 basil leaf from a plant bought from The Hatfield Plant Lady 1 good shake of crushed red pepper from Vinny’s Pizzarama 1 quart water Chop the wieners into thin coins. Shred the pretzel into small pieces. Put the wieners, pretzel, basil, and red pepper in a small pot filled with water. Boil for 20 minutes. Set the pot on your porch for 10 days